Saturday, May 18, 2013

Logged to 2037.9 feet, a branching contact, our first 20 feet of HQ core

Today we logged core boxes to a depth of 2037.9 ft, 60.2 ft deeper than when we finished yesterday.  Here is a picture of one of the more interesting contacts that we examined (image is 16 x 9 cm):
As you can see, the baked soil at the top of the underlying unit has been invaded in roughly the viewer's direction by a toe of the flow that was emplaced on top.  As a result, this small toe cooled rapidly and has glassy margins.  The base of the overlying flow also cooled quickly and formed glass, along with abundant elongate olivine (click on the photo to see in more detail).

Drilling update: As of this evening, we have received our first 20 ft of HQ core.  Barring any major drilling issues, we expect to be busy processing this size core now for at least the next couple months. 

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